
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dresser Found Dead on Roadside

A couple of years ago, we found this dresser on the side of the road with a "FREE" sign on it.
At the time we had just had our 4th baby, and were actually in the market for another dresser--and nothing beats FREE!
So we piled it up into our van and brought it home to our garage where it has sat for the last 2 Years!!!
Until 2 weeks ago--when I sweetly asked my hubby to do the necessary repairs on it so I could finally paint it and GET IT OUT OF OUR GARAGE!!!
Which he did. And we soon realized why it was dead on the side of the road!
It needed a bunch of work done.
So here is a picture of it all taken apart as my sweet hubby repaired it.

Once he was finished I got to work with the priming and painting.
This dresser took 2 coats of primer and like a million coats of paint!! (I think a million actually equated to 4-5 coats--I lost track)
It just soaked up the stuff like it had been in a draught!
Here it is in our garage getting all painted:

The dresser didn't come with any hardware. And because it was a FREE kids dresser--I didn't want to spend much $$ on this little project. So I bought the cheapest little wooden knobs that I could find and painted them to match the dresser.

I stuck them in the bottom of a plate to make them easier to paint.

And here is the finished product.

One kids dresser all painted and ready to go!

Free is good!


Thank you for your comments!