
Friday, September 17, 2010

Little Lady Leg Warmers

As I have mentioned before--I have a little lady that LOVES to wear dresses and skirts ALL THE TIME!!! 

So as we are heading into the fall and winter months--we usually start shopping for tights for her to wear.  But then I remembered seeing these leg warmers made from ladies knee socks--and decided to make some for my little gal so her little legs will stay warm and cozy this winter.

So I started with a pair of long socks.  I found these ones discounted at Fred Meyer--they were around $2  and I thought the little ruffle would be fun on the bottom of the leg warmers.

Next I made three cuts.  I cut the sock right before and after the heel and then cut off the toe.

Next I used the middle part left over from the foot of the sock and folded it WRONG SIDES together to make a cuff.  Then I tucked in the cut edge of the long part of the sock inside the cuff matching all three of the cut edges.  So it looked like this:

Then I sewed around the edge. 

 I used a zig zag stitch on this pair--but on others I used a regular stitch and both work great.

 I did the same thing to the other sock and in about 10 minutes from start to finish--My little lady had a new pair of leg warmers!

 She thought they were pretty awesome too!

They were so quick and easy--that I had to make a few more pairs.

I wonder if I'm too old for a pair?

Linking to THESE parties.


  1. This is a fantastic idea! Where did you get your socks?

  2. LOVE this, like LOVE it! What a fantastic idea and SO cute!

  3. Love, love, love this project. I too have a little lady that completely refuses to wear pants EVER! This will be added to my "to do" list. Thanks!

  4. I love them...big girl baby legs! My daughter loves to wear her leggings all year round...she gets cold just like her mama!

  5. Oh my gosh, they're so cute! Too bad I don't have a girl . . .

  6. Girl, you're not too old! I would wear them :) So cute~thanks for joining the party!

  7. These leg warmers are incredibly smart and cute. But, I tell you what, that little girl is beautiful!

  8. Such a fun and smart project! Thank you for this great step by step tutorial. I wanted to let you know that I Have added this project to my What Can You Make with a Pair of Socks Round Up. If you would rather I delete your project from this round up please let me know.

    Thanks and have a fabulous Day!


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