
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Shade Shirt Wanna-Be

I have several favorite shirts.  And as I have explained in previous posts--If I find something I like--I usually buy SEVERAL of them--just in different colors.  So if you were to parooze (sp?) my closet--you would find little variety in styles--but a little more variety in colors.  (I know--I'm lame that way!) 

Anyhoo, So my very FAVORITE T-shirts (and yes I have 3 of them) are made by SHADE CLOTHING.  (Love those guys!)  And they look like this:

 I have had the shirts for several years--and I was JUST about to order some more when I found out that SHADE IS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS!!!  (Sob!)  So I quickly went online to see if I could order anything before they closed up shop ONLY TO FIND EVERYTHING WAS SOLD OUT IN MY SIZE!!!!  BUMMER!!!

And I have worn the shirts so much that some of them are doing this:

See how the neck line is getting all stretchy and bubbly?  The elasticity in the Spandex is dieing and it is making the shirt look all funny!

 I HAVE to retire these shirts--but I need a replacement--and I can no longer buy one!!  Wah!!

So what is a girl to do? 

I guess I just have to try and MAKE ONE.
I remembered that I had some stretchy knit fabric in my stash that was exactly like the fabric for these shirts.  So I got out the fabric and got out my favorite shirt.

I laid the fabric down first on the fold--then I folded my shirt in half as well and laid it on top of my fabric.

(Now SORRY--I don't have many pictures of what I did--as I was in the ZONE and wanted to get the project done before little people started waking up from their naps--and I didn't know if it would turn out anyway--so I figured I would just sew it up--and if it worked I would HAVE to do it again sometime and THEN I would take some more pictures! )

Next I cut around my shirt back leaving about 5/8" seam allowance.

Then I refolded the remaining fabric and folded the shirt again so that I could do the same thing and cut out the shirt front.

Then I matched shoulder seams and side seams and sewed it up.

Then I finished off the sleeves and the neckline by cutting a 3/4" strip of fabric and folding it in half.  Then I sandwiched the edge of the neckline/sleeves in between the strip of fabric and sewed it in place. 

And that was how I made this:

Ok--So the only modification I made to the shirt from the original Shade Shirt was the sleeves.  They stuck out a little funny after I added the trim around the edges--so I quickly added a little tuck/pleaty thingy on the edge. 

 I just gathered up the fabric and hand tacked it in place. 

Oh--and I used a double needle to hem the bottom of the shirt.  It gives it a nice professional looking edge.
(I may try this on the sleeves as well next time.)

Here is my crazy psycho picture taking face.  I added this for your viewing pleasure and amusement.  You may laugh at my face--but please ignore the crazy hair and no makeup!  It was a work day--what can I say?

And after it is all said and done--I LOVE THE SHIRT!!  It fits JUST LIKE THE SHADE SHIRT!!  It was SO MUCH EASIER than I thought it would be.  I am super happy with how it turned out!  And now I have to go shopping to buy more fabric to make some more!!
(Next time I will take more pictures--I promise!)

Linking up to THESE parties.


  1. It looks so good!

    You're beautiful and you have a real camera again!

  2. That's really awesome! And I like what you did with the sleeves, makes it a little different then the everyday.

  3. Love what you did with the sleeves! And I am totally going to have to get me a double needle soon! I love the look.

  4. Wow! You go girl! T-shirts are out of my sewing expertise :p Thanks for linking up!

  5. great job! love the little pizzaz that you gave the sleeves! i found you at the trendy treehouse wednesday link party!

  6. you did an awesome job! and besides that--you have the cutest figure! color me jealous :o(
    thanks so much for visiting my blog!

  7. Shade is going out of business:( I didn't know. Your shirt looks great! You don't need a company to make them for you!

  8. I love it! That is so simple!! I am totally wanting to try this!

  9. this looks great! I have some fave shirts that I can't find anymore and it never occurred to me to try and MAKE another! How fearless of you!

  10. Fabulous!! So glad it turned out well. I really need to make myself some shirts one of these days.

  11. looks so much like the original! great job! that's the same way i made my shirt in my recent post also. thanks for sharing!

  12. You totally rule! I love Shade shirts too and I never thought about making my own. Thanks so much!

  13. The shirt turned out great! I would have never thought of doing something like this.

  14. Too funny! That's what I just did:

  15. I am so sad that I had to find out Shade is going out of business on your blog, but I love the shirt! I guess I will have to go make my own now :)

  16. SO smart to make your own! I too was very sad about Shade going out of business. Nice work!! :)


  17. WOW! That's pretty cute - and I would never have guessed it was homemade. :) maybe I can be brave enough to try something similar?
    I came over from The Train To Crazy.

  18. Your shirt turned out fabulous!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!

  19. Ok, you may have just inspired me to start making clothing for myself. Thank you for sharing and it looks AMAZING!

  20. I believe Down East Clothing has shirts like that! Just in case you were still looking for something similar!

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