
Thursday, October 21, 2010

What We Wore

I know my posts have been few and far between as of late.  The main reason is that I have been playing and having a ball with MY LIL SISTER MICHELLE--as she was in town for a week!!!!

Now, maybe to most of you--you think "Oh, that's nice" but that would be the understatement of the world!

  My sister and I are close.  I mean SUPER close.  We are like MEGA SUPER CLOSE.  We are the best of friends.  We love each other SOOOOOO MUCH!  We have the BEST TIMES together!  (Ok--you get the idea).  But that darn girl lives a million miles away from me--so I rarely get to see her or her family. 

So when she came to town for A WEEK (and I still think it should have been two!!!) I DROP EVERYTHING and try and spend EVERY WAKING MOMENT with her.  So I can soak her all up and try to stock up on my Michelle time--cause I know it will be a while till we will see each other again (sob).

ANYWAYS--one of the fun things my sis does on HER BLOG--is that she participates in THE PLEATED POPPIES--WHAT I WORE WEDNESDAY.  (For those of you who don't know what this is--a bunch of gals document what they wore every day of the week and show everybody.  It is a fun way to get fashion ideas and it is a super big motivator to dress cute and get out of your jammies everyday.)

So while Michelle was here--we primped and posed everyday to bring you What We Wore--Sisters Edition.  It was super fun to do together.  I always save my cutest clothes to wear when I am with her--because as you will see--she is SO CUTE.  And I really mean she is just too adorable for words.  I aspire to be half as cute as she is.  (And I am noticing by the pictures that I also need to aspire to be half as photogenic as she is--as I am making a funny face in many of them.)

ANYHOO--You must go check us out (and I guess I really am telling you to check us out--wink wink) over HERE at her blog. 

You have to go to her blog to see the pictures because I was a geek and didn't have my camera ready half the time.  But here is a sneak peak of the two of us:  (and by the way--she is literally a SIZE NOTHING--a TEENY TINY--ZIP--ZERO (and I still love her anyways).  So I am not really a giant as it might appear in a lot of the pictures!)

So go see the REST of our pictures and then report back and let me know what you think of What We Wore!


  1. You guys are so cute! Your sister must be tiny because you are pretty little yourself. I love your hair-did you get it highlighted? And I love the wavy look! I also love the yellow shoes!

    P.S. I'm going to attempt making a Halloween pinata using your method this week.

  2. oooooh la la! loved the outfits! I think my favorites were... her black and white w. the red belt which I think was Monday and your Tuesday I think where you had those awesome new yellow shoes you found :) Good Job!


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