
Monday, November 1, 2010

SAMM--Easy Fettuccine Alfredo

For my SAMM link up this week--I am doing one of my FAVORITE RECIPES of AL TIME.  I LOVE this recipe.  It is super easy--and super yummy!  This one was a staple in my college days (impressing all my dates with a gourmet dinner!)  And now I that I am older and wiser--I try not to make it TOO often--as I have come to realize the amount of calories in this recipe.  But it is still a special treat when I do make it.

So here goes nothing:

Easy Fettuccine Alfredo:

1/2 Package of Fettuccine noodles (or any noodles--Angel hair is my families favorite!)

Next you have all the good stuff:

1/3 c butter or margarine
3/4 c whipping cream
3/4 c Parmesan cheese (I use the cheap stuff and it works great)

Bring all these guys to a boil and then reduce and simmer until your noodles are done cooking.

It will look like this:

Mix the two together--or in my house we ladel it on top of our noodles (because we have those that prefer their noodles unadulterated).

As usual--I was SO EXCITED to eat it--that I forgot to take a picture of the finished product!

But we had a garden salad on spinach greens, some cooked vegetables, and of course--some garlic bread.


Hope you like it too.  Now go link up some recipes!

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