
Friday, September 24, 2010

Picture Frame Menu Board & Linky Party

The other day I saw THIS awesome idea for a Wipe Off Menu Board over at Little Birdie Secrets.  Immediately I knew that I HAD to make one for my menu planning has gone out the window as of late (who am I kidding--as of FOREVER)--and I am rushing around at 4:45 wondering what we are going to have for dinner at 5:30!!

I figure having a cute place to write out and plan my meals will keep me motivated to actually MAKE THEM!!

So this is what I did.

I stole this picture frame from another project I was going to use it for.  I got it from a thrift store a while ago and spray painted it with my Oil Rubbed Bronze--it originally was yellow--to better match my decor in my kitchen.

(This is the back of it--I don't know why I took a picture of the back and not the front--but you get the picture!)

Next I decided I wanted to use some this fabric that I have had FOREVER and never had a place to use it.

So I used the back of the picture to trace around the fabric and cut out a piece the right size.

Then I used this awesome stuff to spray the back of the fabric to make it stick to the back part of the frame:

Then I put the frame all back together to make this:

Which I thought was super cute--but when I went to write on it--I couldn't see the words very well because the background picture was standing out too much.

(Which REALLY wasn't a big deal cause this whole project can be done in like 2 minutes ANYWAYS!!)

I went searching through my craft paper and found this:

So once again--I cut it out to the right size:

Reassembled the picture frame and then tried writing on this baby.

After trying out some DRY ERASE markers--and having a HUGE FLAKY MESS when I erased the board...I settled on these WET ERASE markers:

They didn't leave a flaky mess AND I didn't accidentally erase anything if I bumped up against it.
SO that made these guys the winners!

I love this project--because even though I didn't like the first background fabric--it took me almost NO TIME at all to change it out!!  So You can easily mix and match the background to change with your decor or with the seasons!!

And not only can it be an awesome MENU board--but it can also be a cute little MESSAGE board:

But for me--Since I need it to function as the Menu Planner...this is what mine will be looking like:

And I even found the PERFECT spot for it.

Don't you just love when the camera comes out--and the kids just HAVE to get in the picture somehow?
I took this picture and then noticed the little toy and cute little hand SNEAKING into the picture.

It was so cute that I took another one!  Sneaky boy!

So--Unbeknownst to me--while I was making this Menu Board, my SISTER, Michelle, was coming up with a FABULOUS idea about Menu Planning: 
She is going to be hosting a LINKY PARTY called--SAMM (SHARE A MEAL MONDAY)!  (Isn't she a genius?)

Each week everyone is going to link up a favorite recipe to share!  This is JUST WHAT I NEED to spice up my menu!  (Did you get a look at what my menu consisted of?  I NEED HELP Ladies!!)

So spread the word--and get your awesome recipes ready to Link Up!

And then go make yourself a cute little Menu Board to put all those new recipes on!!


  1. Very cute this has been on my 'to do' list for about two weeks. Thanks for the tip about the markers.

  2. Your menu board turned out so cute! And I like that you can easily switch out the background paper whenever you feel like it.

    So, I left you a blog award on a post just now. :) Here is the link:


  3. I got your blog from 31 DIY. I love your stuff! That kinda sounds funny, but I think you have great idea's!

    I am a new follower.

  4. Just found your blog and love it!!

  5. Sharon, I am always so impressed with your creativeness and everything you do is done so well. You amaze me!

  6. This is a great idea...and thanks for the dinner tips for the week too! ;) Your son is a cutie pie...thanks for following my blog and your kind comments!! I can't wait to check yours out!

    xo, cassie


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