
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To Bow Tie or Not to Bow Tie?

I have a thing for sewing my 3 boys ties.  I love when they wear their matching ties to church--and they look all matching and handsome.  And I love knowing that I spent pennies making their ties instead of buying them for big bucks.  If you haven't seen my posts about my boys ties before--you can find them HERE and HERE.  And here is a picture of my boys in their ties--just cause I LOVE THEM!

But up until now--I have always made the traditional long ties.  I have been playing with the idea of making a bow tie for a while.  But to be honest--sometimes I think bow ties can come off a little GEEKY.  It takes a special kind of guy that can pull off wearing a bow tie.  Don't you think? 
Am I the only one that feels that way? 

So I have been contemplating this issue and watching my boys to see if they could pull one off. 

And I decided that my middle guy--Landon:

...may just be a BOW TIE WEARER.

So I decided to make him one--in ORANGE (his favorite color).

I found a great tutorial HERE from the blog "A Lemon Squeezy Home" (don't you just LOVE the name of her blog?).

Her tutorial is great--so if you want to know how I made it--or if you want to make one yourself--go check out HER tutorial.  But I did change the measurements for my little guy--as her tie looked like it was for a little bit older boys.  So I will give you the measurements I used (I estimate the size of my tie would be 1-5 years and hers 5-10?).

This is what you will need:


2 pieces of fabric 2 1/2" x 8" (For the bow part of the tie)
1 piece of 2 1/2" x 8"  fusible interfacing
1 piece of fabric 2 x 3 1/4" for the little piece that wraps around the bow
1 piece of fabric 2 1/2" x 14" for the neck strap
2" velcro

**Note that in her tutorial she makes the ties PUFFY using fleece.  I didn't want a puffy look so I used one piece of fusible web interfacing and ironed it to one side of one of the bow tie pieces--and then followed the rest of the tutorial.

It was SUPER EASY to sew up. 

And THIS little boy couldn't be happier with his NEW BOW TIE.



Oh yah!!  This boy can pull off a BOW TIE!!

Linking to THESE parties.

And this one too:


  1. Yes, he definitely can pull off a bow tie, and I agree, it takes a certain kind of guy to not look geeky. I love the ties! I atually made some for my boys, but one of them refuses to wear it because it's not "the right color of orange" and it ticks me off, because I want them to be cute and matched like your boys.

  2. I LOVE THAT BOY, haha!!! He can TOTALLY pull off a bow tie! Super cute!

  3. Sharon you have a saucer chair! It should definitely be re-covered :)

    And I love the bow tie.

  4. I love it! My son is almost 17 now and he loves bow ties.

  5. Hey I am following back on the comment you left me! Thank you so much for taking the time to share that link so I can post it on my blog! You rock!
    I love the bow-tie!!! I might just have to make some for my son, I don't know if he is spunky enough to pull it off though! CUTE!!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a great day!

  6. I think you nailed it doll! I've been by here before and I can't believe some of the genius ideas you come up with. I'll have to come back!!!

  7. Super cute! I am going to have to give it a try (as well as the regular ties). I know how to make bows and all the girly stuff but they won't work on my new baby boy. :) I am going to make the baby a bow tie to match my daughter's Christmas dress. Thanks!
    Kerstin @

  8. You have a Landon too? They are so handsome. I love the orange with the navy!


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