Sunday, September 12, 2010

Iron on Wall Art

I have been meaning FOREVER to do something about the wall above my little guys crib.  It looks like this:
(SORRY--bad camera phone picture)

What is so bad about this you might ask?  Well NOTHING--if your name is LANDON--not COLTON.  BUT if you are COLTON and this is YOUR bed--and you are now over 2 years old and your older brother LANDON is now 4 and hasn't occupied this room or this bed for 2 years--then THERE MIGHT BE A PROBLEM WITH THIS WALL!!

So the story goes like this:
I wanted to do COLTON'S name on the wall--but I frankly didn't want to spend the $ to buy any more wood letters that I would have to paint or mod podge or something.  So I was waiting for a brilliant idea to move me into action.

Well it did.

I found THIS gal (at the Brassy Apple) doing THIS (Heat-n-Bond WALL ART).

I was BLOWN AWAY by the AWESOMENESS and BRILLIANCE of her idea.  And I knew immediately that THIS was what I had been waiting for.

So I went online to a free font website and downloaded a fun font for Colton's name.
I figured out the size I wanted and printed each letter out.

Next I chose some fun coordinating fabrics to use and cut a square of each of them.

Next I got out the Heat-n-bond.
This is the kind you want to use--the one made for light fabrics:

Then I pressed a square of Heat-n-Bond to the back of each of my fabrics.

Next I traced my lettering onto the paper making sure to trace it so that when it is placed on the wall it will be going the right way. 

This is always the tricky part of using Heat-n-Bond.  You always have to think backwards--which I always have trouble with.

If you are smarter than me and can think backwards better--you can probably trace your lettering on the heat-n-bond before you put it on your fabric--but I have learned from past experience that I like to have the fabric on--so I can really see which way everything is going to come out.

So here I am tracing my letters.

Here they are all traced--see how they are all backwards?

And here they are all cut out--facing forwards:

Next all that was left to do was IRON THEM TO THE WALL!!

And I must say--it is a funny thing to iron a wall.  Funny--and GENIUS!!

I started in the middle of Colton's name and worked out--so that I would make sure to be centered on the wall space--and to make sure I stayed more level.

I lightly pressed each letter first to make sure I liked the placement--then pressed it for 20-30 seconds.

And I am SO IN LOVE with how it turned out!!!

And the beauty of this project is that it didn't cost me a cent--as I already had EVERYTHING on hand.  AND I literally had this done in MINUTES.  AND when it comes time to remove it--it just peels off like a charm!!!
(Just as a side note added later--I've had a lot of questions about how the heat and bond comes off the wall when you want to change it out--So to answer your questions--we just recently moved and I took mine off the wall after a couple of years of them being up--and they peeled off perfectly fine! They didn't leave any residue or glue behind and didn't peel off any of the wall or paint underneath. It worked great! I would always test a small patch on your walls in an inconspicuous spot just in case though.)

The possibilities are ENDLESS!!  I have visions of fun characters and designs for my kids rooms--and even some more sophisticated design ideas for the other areas of my house! 

I can guarantee you will see me use this idea again!

And at least for now--Colton--after 2 years--finally has a NAME.

Linking up to THESE parties.

And this one:


  1. That is amazing!!! I love the way it turned out (good thing you changed the name before he learned to spell his name--LOL!). :-)
    I must do something with this technique in my daughters room!

      CAR LOAN

  2. What a GREAT idea! I have been wanting to put something like this my little girl's wall but didn't want to spend the money. Thanks for Sharing.


  3. This is crazy talk, it seriously works?! I love it! I could think of so many fun things to try!

  4. That's awesome! And it just peels off? Doesn't hurt the wallpaper?

  5. Totally adorable!!!

  6. Thanks for this great idea. I use heat-n-bond for all kinds of things, but never thought about wall decorations. You are right -- so many ideas for this use! Also, I never trace on the back, even thought that's what the directions say to do. I just use whatever I have printed as a pattern from the front of the fabric. It alleviates the 'backwards' step and I find it easier. You can pin if you need to, depending on the size of your pattern. Thanks again for sharing! I found you from skip to my lou.

  7. you can also print your letters out in reverse - almost any WP program has this option - just go into your print properties and search for the "mirror image" option :)

    love this idea, thanks for sharing!

  8. Love this idea. I've got just about all the supplies to do this myself....much cheaper than vinyl lettering!!

  9. Very cute! I did the same above my 1-year-old's crib after seeing the tutorial on Brassy Apple. I did a little clothesline because she's kind of clothes obsessed :-)

    I love your blog and I'm now following you!

  10. Genius! Just curious though, did you try to remove?

    1. I just applied my letters and didn't like the way a few looked so I used a scraper and they came right off!

  11. Love it! And loved your step-by-step! Thanks!

  12. You have the best ideas! Please come by and link up to my repurpose/redo party Vintage Suitcase Friday!

  13. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!

    Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  14. Who knew you could iron something to the wall?!?! I have done about a zillion heat n bond projects, but this one is next on my list for sure :) Thanks!! Going to explore the rest of your blog now :)

  15. So smart! I love heat 'n bond, but have never thought to use it on a WALL? Awesome.

  16. What a great quick and easy name change! I wouldn't have thought you could iron on a wall without damaging it somehow! What fun~ Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  17. GENIUS is right! I love it, and it inspired a project for my 2-year-old's room as well.

  18. Well blow me away... this is AWESOME! What a great blog you have, found it via pinterest! Thanks for this super tutorial! My walls better watch out, here i come! :)

  19. Too cool! I live in an apartment though. Will this come off without damaging the wall?

  20. thanks for linking to my tutorial for wall art! Your name turned out great! :)

  21. Also found you through Pinterest. Thinking this will work really easily for getting some funky ABC's up and around our classroom space. Will also use up some of the heat'n Bond I've had in storage for awhile.

  22. Cool idea! Does anyone know if it would stick in a bathroom or if the steam from the shower would make it peal? I have some duck fabric I'd love to do this with.

  23. Wow! Love what you did... Never knew. Now I have a great idea for my chevron fabric. :) Thanks.
    Your newest follower!
    ~ Meredith From A Mother Seeking A Mother Seeking...

    My City Backyard Garden

  24. So awesome. I have a Cricut that will cut the fabric letters and the heatbond at the same time. Thanks for sharing!

  25. OK- this is now officially the best of the quickie DIY projects ever- so many possibilities. silhouettes, affirmations- lists! LOL
    Thanks- I'm looking forward to playing with this. I have old plaster walls in my apartment- hope it works. (And really hope it comes off easily since it is an apartment.)

  26. Hi! Just wanted to know if anyone knows - can you remove these without damaging the wall?

  27. You need to submit this idea to Not only is this a GREAT idea for names in kids rooms, but all sorts of different ways!

  28. I have never thought about using heat and bond on the wall! What a great idea! I found you on pintrest! :o) I have all kinds of new blog friends that find me on pinterest so I thought I would say hi andddd what a cool technique! I don't know if you link up, but I would love it if you checked out my place---I have a party.... :o) Just thought I would invite you---I get a little shy about it sometimes! :o) Anyways, nice to meet you!
    Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy

  29. Brillant!!! BTW I found you on Pinterest, gotta love it!! Feel free to stop by Rustic Cottage Interiors anytime!! :)

  30. What setting do you use on the iron? I'm excired to try this, have my letters all cut out! BRADON in Cars Fabric!

  31. I love your blog. I tried this and it well. Except some of the adhesive shoed up black thru the fabric. Any ideas ho to fix this or how to prevent this?

  32. You ever have one of those AH HA!! moments? Well, you just gave me mine! I was looking into doing some vinyl, but I like this idea a lot! It has a lot of texture promise! lol


  33. You can also use liquid starch - wet the fabric, place it on the wall and let it dry. Voila! It also peels right off and no iron needed!

    1. You're right. I heard of the starch many years ago. You can do a whole wall with fabric instead of wallpaper. I like the starch method better.

  34. Great idea, you should be able to use wax paper to do this as will iron on to fabric so I'm assuming it will iron on to the wall as well, I'll have to try it out!

  35. what a great idea!!!

  36. Decorative Iron Wall Art is a product that has and will be around for a long time. Whether it is decor for your Living Room or Outdoor Patio, Wall Decor is a decorating essential. It should be eye catching and appealing. Finding Handcrafted Iron Decor will make you wall exceptional and unique.

  37. so ironic i have 2 boys landon and colton! except mine are 2 months (colton) and 20 months (landon)

  38. what a great tutorial - I want to do this for my little one. We can't paint the walls in our apartment so this would add some color to her room :)

  39. Hey, I did this and it was great! Thanks so much for the tutorial!

  40. How neat! Thanks for sharing. Such a great alternative to vinyl wall art too! When you mentioned making sure the letters are traced backwards, did you set you printer to mirror image first? Thanks again!

  41. Love this idea hadn't thought of doing the names in fabric! Going to try this for my boys!! They are just starting to share a room this should be fun! Thank you so much for the idea!!

  42. That looks really nice! Thanks for sharing.

  43. Do you think this will work on paneling? We just moved and the kids wall is paneled.

  44. I think this is awesome how it doesn't damage your walls, because I'm going to college in the fall, into a dorm. I was trying to find a way to decorate my room without tape, and now I know that I can just iron fabric to the wall, meaning that I can attach several things to fabric and then just iron them to the wall. This is really good since I like to hang posters, but am not allowed to use tacks.

  45. What an awesome idea... And the fabric is endless possibilities. I have a kitchen with a coffee theme. Fabric with coffe mugs etc would be awesome!

    And my 13 yr old daughter loves the peace sign...her name in that fabric would be soo cute!
    Thanks for sharing and the pictures for ppl like myself who need a picture reference is great.


  46. What a great idea! I'm so sick of the empty space above our bed, but here in earthquake country we don't dare hang pictures or shelves or anything. This will be perfect! I'm actually going to experiment with the iron-on printer paper where you print a picture right on to it. Maybe that way I can do a collage of pics above my headboard and not have to worry about anything crashing down on me. Thanks!

  47. Thank you for sharing this great idea!!

  48. My question is will it work on a concrete wall?

  49. Does this work on textured walls? It looks like yours are in the picture, but just checking. I keep seeing so many cute wall "stickers" but they don't really work well on the texture, so this sounds like it would be great if I could find printed fabric with designs I like.

  50. I have soooo many idea for this!! Can't wait to try it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  51. Does it matter what kind of material is best? Thanks fr the idea I'm so doing a banner like this in my sons room

  52. Does it collect dust? I want to odo a zebra print wall and this is a great idea, I wasn't looking forward to having to tape off and paint and then covering it up when my daughter gets tired of it.

  53. We're moving into a rental house this weekend, and this will be great!!! I can decorate & personalize each of my kids rooms without painting (since we can't paint)!!

  54. Wonder if this would work on glass? I was just about to get some vinyl letters for a photo collage project I want to do, but I wonder if I can do this instead.....

  55. What type of paint was on the wall? Wouldn't that make a difference whether or not the heat would "effect" it at all.

  56. I love this idea but was wondering if anyone had tried it on a cinderblock (i.e. classroom) wall. I would love to put some cute sayings up right on the wall of the classroom but would hate for it not to stick--or stick so well that the paint came off right along with the fabric.

  57. Does this work on painted brick walls like in a classroom?

  58. Hi! I just found this on Pinterest. I can see lots of possibilities!
    Following you now.

  59. Nice blog. Thnaks to share such brilliant ideas.

    Bathroom Wall Decals

  60. What a great idea! When I saw it pinned I thought "I could do that in my son's room" ironically his name is Colton as well :-)

  61. Was this hard with textured walls?

  62. That really is cute! :) I wonder if it would stick to or cause harm to wall paper?

  63. What's the story on textured walls?

  64. Great idea! Couldn't you just pin your letters to the good side of the fabric , like a fabric sandwich and cut out your letters that way? It would save the tracing.

  65. Has anyone done this on flat paint? I wonder if it would stain?

    1. I'm attempting to remove mine from flat paint and can't for the life of me get the glue off my wall. I wanna cry.

    2. I'm attempting to remove mine from flat paint and can't for the life of me get the glue off my wall. I wanna cry.

    3. I would try putting water in a squirt bottle and soaking it good before removing. I have done this with layers of old wallpaper and works real well. :)

  66. You can flip the lettering on your computer if you put them into a paint file its much easier !!!

  67. Great idea !!! So now I'm wondering ... If an apartment dweller can't paint , I wonder if you could use this as wallpaper. :)

  68. I did a test run using this method and it damaged my wall when I pulled it off! Be sure and test in an area that won't be seen just to be safe.

  69. I am considering using this idea to decorate my laptop (in smaller print of course) . I'm not sure if it will work, but my bet is that the texture of the wall and the laptop are similar. Do you think this will work?

    1. Ironing your laptop is a bad idea! It'll melt and ruin everything.

  70. I just love this project... You wouldn't happen to remember the name of the font you used for Colton's name... I've been looking for a little bit, but haven't quite found something I would like in my children's room as much as I like that one.

  71. Sorry if someone already asked this, but has anyone tried this using wallpaper instead of fabric?

  72. Do you have any new characters or designs that you have done? Would love to see more. Just got done making names for my boys. I could have used your Landon. ;) Thanks for the idea!

  73. I've heard you can just skip the heat n bond stuff and use liquid starch and a paint roller then leave it up overnight pinned (supposedly will stay up indefinitely). Might be easier. :)

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  78. May be a dumb question but is the Heat and Bond sticky on both sides? I bought what I thought was the same product but it only is sticky on one side & did not stick to the wall. What am I doing wrong??

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  99. What you did was absolutely terrific! I have always wanted to create my own room design but can't get my personal touches to this perfection. lol. But I guess will be doing that now already with this simple crafty wall design you've shared. Just so awesome!

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  102. This has made my heart sing!!! Yes, it was a true "Ah-Ha" moment, the simplicity is just pure genius!! So mad that I didnt think of it myself!! have been looking for the right vinyl for my project with no luck. Heading out to the fabric store right now - exactly what I had envisioned!!! Thanks so much!

  103. I tried this and I really liked it.... It is a very great and creative Idea and it is wonderful for a child's bedroom, BUT I just wanted to say that if you are doing this on walls of a Double wide trailer or any trailer that have Wallpapered drywall then wonder under is better to use.... I used a piece of fabric with wonder under to do a test patch to see if it would harm my walls and it didn't harm them but I didn't have any more wonder under so I used Heat and Bond instead and it caused my wall paper to bubble up and when I tried to peel off a letter that I wanted to re-position It peeled my wallpaper off...... I ended up changing out two of the letters because I didn't like the material I used and the wallpaper was also like that under the other letter......... This is a really great Idea though and I love it. I just wish I had of had more wonder under....... Thank you so much for the Idea, My daughters wall looks more decorative...

  104. I have applied fabric letters to wood this way...and the solution for me in getting the letters reversed was to simply turn the letter over backwards and color the back of the letter with a black sharpie marker, then cut the letter out. You now will place the black side face up on the Heat & Bond side of the fabric and tape it down to the Heat and Bond paper...then just cut out the letter once again. The black allows you to see the shape of the letter real well against the white Heat & Bond paper, for cutting. Then the letters can be saved and reused or discarded. Now you just peel the Heat & Bond paper from the back of your fabric letters and apply them with your iron...Or another option is to use Mod Podge to apply the letters and then coat it with Mod Podge to seal it.

    One more thing I did with a sign I made in my craft room, was to go over each fabric letter with Glow-In-The- Dark paint. This paint dries clear and when the light is on in the room during the day, it charges the letters on my sign over my sewing cabinet. Then at night when the light is turned off, my letters glow and you can still read the sign in the darkness. It added such a nice and cool touch to my sign!

  105. Going to try this for my front door. I want to put "Welcome" on my door but do not want to pay the $20 for it. I have all of the materials on hand for this project. I will prob try it tomorrow. I hope it works. The door is a newer metal heavy duty door.

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  109. I am going to get me some heat bond. I have a plan in mind already. Thanks so much.

  110. I love this project. I just did one for my house today. Had an empty space on my wall and it fills it perfectly. It was so fun and so easy
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  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  117. Any ideas for removal of leftover fuzzballs and stickiness? I'm having to remove my letters after a couple years and some of them left behind surprises lol

  118. maybe try Dawn dish soap...? or rubbing alcohol?

  119. Mary Kay Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover will get it off! Works on Band-Aid residue. 😉

  120. Has anyone tried this on cinder block or other textures?

  121. Has anyone tried this on cinder block or other textures?

  122. what is the website for the free printable fonts for the iron on wall letters?

  123. This is super awesome! I might have to try this for my apartment next year! Thanks for the great idea!

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  127. Hi! I love this. Does anyone know if it'll work on foam paper or will the foam melt/stick to the iron.

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