So--as before mentioned in early posts...I have been really into spray painting things BLACK as of late. And now I have turned my attention to the OUTSIDE of my house.
Remember when I painted my house numbers black (And how they look AWESOME?)
Well, I figured the white lights just didn't go anymore. With the house numbers black--they really NEEDED to be black as well.
So--off they go and get into my make shift spray painting room in our garage. (After getting a good scrub down--DANG--those things were FILTHY! I don't suppose anyone had ever thought to give them a bath!)
A couple of coats of Black Rustoleum and they are looking MUCH better!
And I LOVE them!
And then remember my AWESOME new Black Bench?
Well, I wanted something black to hang in the entry of my house to tie in all the black.
I found this at Joanns--Regularly $24.99--on sale for 60% off which equals only $9.99--AND I had a gift card that my AWESOME friend Heather gave me for my birthday--so really it was FREE. (Thanks Heather--I Love You!)
I think it ties in all the black together! And I LOVE it!
(I added the ribbon to it--cause I thought it looked a little naked--but I am not quite satisfied with this particular ribbon. I think I need a ribbon with a spunkier bolder print--we'll see what I can find).
Then lastly--there has always been this black lamp pole at the edge of our driveway. Funny cause before I got painting--it was the ONLY black thing anywhere.
This is what it looked like BEFORE the magic and wonders of spray paint:
And here are just a few more pictures because I LOVE Before and After shots!

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